Hello, i am

Fadli Hafizulhaq

What I Do

Lecturer, Researcher, Writer & Blogger

I am a Senior Lecturer in Department of Agricultural dan Biosistem Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia. I finished his doctoral study with research focus biocomposite from agricultural product and waste in 2019 when I still 27 y.o. I am one of hundreds PMDSU Awardee (Program Magister Menuju Doktoral untuk Sarjana Unggul) by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti).

Get In Touch

  • fadlihafizulhaq@ae.unand.ac.id
  • hafizulhaq.fadli@gmail.com


  • Doctor of Agricultural Science, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

Research Interests

  • Postharvest Engineering
  • Bioplastics
  • Biocomposites
  • Control System and Data Science

Track records

Teaching Experiences


Course Code

Course Name



Sistem Robotik untuk Bioproduksi / Robotic System for Bioproduction



Pemprograman Komputer / Computer Programming



Sistem Kontrol / Control System



Analisis Sistem / System Analysis



Pengukuran dan Instrumentasi / Measurement and Instrumentation



Model dan Simulasi / Modeling and Simulation

Track records


Research or Review Articles
No Title Journal, Year, Volume(Number), Page
1 Towards Sustainable Food Packaging: A Review of Thermoplastic Starch (TPS) as a Promising Bioplastic Material, its Limitations, and Improvement Strategies with Bio-fillers and Essential Oils  Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 2024, 119(1), pp. 80-104
2 Model Matematis Massa Buah Markisa Manis (Passiflora ligularis Juss) Berbasis Beberapa Sifat Fisik Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Tropis dan Biosistem, 2023, 11(3), 316-323
3 Early Environmental Awareness Character Education Through Ecoenzyme-Making Training For Telkom Padang Elementary School Students Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development, 2023, 3(2), pp. 7-12
4 The Potential of Chitosan-Starch Blend Polymers as Edible Coatings for The Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables: A Mini-Review Journal of Fibers and Polymer Composites, 2023, 2(2), 157-167
5 Enhancing functional properties of low amylose bengkoang (Pachyrhizus) erosus starch film by ultrasonication Food Science and Technology Research, 2020, 26(1), pp. 159–166
6 Moisture absorption and opacity of starch-based biocomposites reinforced with cellulose fiber from bengkoang Fibers, 2018, 6(3), 62
7 Effect of ultrasonication duration of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel on characterizations of PVA film Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(2), pp. 2477–248
8 Properties of cellulose nanofiber/bengkoang starch bionanocomposites: Effect of fiber loading LWT, 2019, 116, 108554
9 A simple method for improving the properties of the sago starch films prepared by using ultrasonication treatment Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 93, pp. 276–283
10 Comparative Study of the Physical and Tensile Properties of Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) Starch Film Prepared Using Three Different Methods Starch/Staerke, 2019, 71(5-6), 1800224
11 Characterization of PVA/cassava starch biocomposites fabricated with and without sonication using bacterial cellulose fiber loadings Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 206, pp. 593–601
12 Characterization of the sonicated yam bean starch bionanocomposites reinforced by nanocellulose water hyacinth fiber (WHF): The effect of various fiber loading Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 2018, 13(9), pp. 2700–2715
13 Effect of nanofibers fraction on properties of the starch based biocomposite prepared in various ultrasonic powers International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 116, pp. 1214–1221
14 Mechanical properties of a water hyacinth nanofiber cellulose reinforced thermoplastic starch bionanocomposite: Effect of ultrasonic vibration during processing Fibers, 2018, 6(2), 40
  • Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus) starch-based biocomposites: fabrication, characterization, and potential applications. Plant Tuber and Root-Based Biocomposites, Woodhead Publishing (Chapter Book)
  • Bioplastik dan biokomposit dari umbi bengkuang. Indiva Media Kreasi, 2023 (Monograf)
Proceedings / Conferences
  • Implementation of Naïve Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers on Orange Fruit Classification based on Its Physical Properties – International Conference of Sustainable Agriculture and Biosystem 2024.
  • Preparation of Celullose Fibres from Bengkuang (Pachyrhizus Erosus) Tuber Skin as Biocomposite Reinforcement – 5th International Conference on Nano and Materials Engineering 2017
  • Perbandingan Sifat Hidrofobik Bioplastik dari Pati Bengkuang dengan Pati Komersil – Seminar Nasional Material 2017 – Institut Teknologi Bandung
  • Efek Penambahan Serat Hasil Hidrolisis Kulit Umbi Bengkuang Terhadap Sifat Hidrofilik Biokomposit Berbasis Pati Ubi Kayu – Seminar Nasional Kimia 2018 – Universitas Gajah Mada
  • Efek Daya Ultrasonikasi Terhadap Sifat Mekanik dan Daya Larut Bioplastik Berbasis Pati Bengkuang. Seminar Nasional Fisika 3 (2018) – Universitas Riau

Track records

Community Services





Penyuluhan Pembuatan Lubang Biopori untuk Pelestarian Lingkungan di RW 13 Kelurahan Balai Gadang Kecamatan Koto Tangah Kota Padang



Edukasi Siswa SMA N 1 Lubuk Alung dalam Pengembangan Hidroponik



Introduksi Alat Pembuat Kerupuk Jengkol pada Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Mengengah (Umkm) di Nagari Kasang, Kecamatan Batang Anai, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman



Introduksi Pembuatan Permen Gula Tebu Bercita Rasa Rempah



Perspektif Batas Adminstrasi Pemerintahan dan Kondisi Kesuburan Lahan Nagari Tigo Balai Kecamatan Matur Kabupaten Agam



Transformation Processing and Postharvest Technology for Agricultural Products within The Framework of WCU Program at Andalas University



Pemetaan Kesuburan Lahan dan Peta Sebaran Kesesuaian Lahan Komoditi Unggulan Nagari Lawang



Introduksi Alat Sterilisasi Sinar Ultraviolet-C (UVC) untuk Meningkatkan Masa Simpan Cabe dan Produk Hasil Pertanian Lainnya


Track records

Non Academic Achievements

No Year Achievements
1 2019 Favorite Champion (No. 25) Nodi Blog Competition with the theme “Proud to be a Blogger in the Digital Era” January 2019
2 2019 3rd Place Hosting Service Review Blog Competition Jagoan Hosting (March 2019 Period)
3 2019 1st Place Article Writing Competition held by Groovy in February 2019
4 2019 2nd Place Blogger Competition #MoneySmartMenginspirasi in April 2019
5 2019 Favorite Champion Finansialku Blog Competition held by Finansialku.com in August 2019
6 2019 3rd Place #NulisChatbotika Blog Competition in July-September 2019
7 2019 7th Winner of Dumet School Blog Competition held in February 2019
8 2019 Consolation Prize Qwords Blog Competition 2019 with the theme “The Important Role of Websites for Online Business”
9 2019 1st Place The Ambition Call Blog Competition held by the Institute for Essential Services Reform held in September 2019
10 2019 1st Place 2019 Zakat and Waqf Literacy Blog Competition held by the Directorate of Zakat and Waqf Empowerment of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion
11 2019 2nd Place Fossil Gen 5 Blog Competition held in November 2019
12 2019 3rd Place Kubbu BPJ Carnival Blog Competition 2019 with the theme “Digital Literacy” held in November 2019
13 2019 2nd Place Accurate Blog Competition with the theme “Your Business #WhenWillItUpClass? Held in December 2019
14 2020 3rd Place in Blog Competition held by KalahkanKanker.com with the theme “Defeat Cancer with Immunotherapy” in February 2020
15 2020 1st Place in RackH Service Review Blog Competition held in November 2019 – February 2020
16 2020 1st Place in Blog Competition held by Sekolah Relawan with the theme “Volunteer Movement as a Solution to National Problems” held until February 2020
17 2020 Finalist and Best Graphic Content in DigiMart Blog Competition held in January – February 2020
18 2020 2nd Place in Blog Competition in the Pertamina Lubricants Digital Award series held until March 2020
19 2020 Favorite Winner of Rumahweb Blog Competition Period 3 held until March 2020
20 2020 3rd Place in AVANA Blogger Competition Blog Competition March – April 2020
21 2020 Consolation Prize in Qwords 2020 Blog Competition “Maximizing Information Technology in the Midst of a Pandemic”
22 2020 1st Place ASUS TUF Gaming A15 Writing Competition organized by ASUS Indonesia
23 2020 2nd Place in Codeva Academy 2020 Blog Competition “Digital Marketing as the Key to Business Success in the Pandemic Era”
24 2020 2nd Place in Entertainment JalanTikus x by.U Blog Competition “Internet Fun Your Way”
25 2020 6th Place in DUMET School Blog Competition November 2020
26 2020 1st Place in VoSpace Blog Competition November 2020
27 2020 8th Place in DUMET School Blog Competition December 2020
28 2020 1st Place in Sahabat Hosting Blog Competition December 2020
29 2020 2nd Place in Indonetwork.co.id Blog Competition “The Importance of Building Digital Assets in the New Normal” December 2020
30 2020 General Place in EKRUT Blog Review Competition December 2020
31 2020 3rd Place in MasterWeb Blog Competition Season 2 August-December 2020
32 2020 1st Place in Qwords Blog Competition 2020 “New Steps to Success Through Internet”
33 2021 1st Place #BeraniMaju Bersama Skill Academy 2021 Blog Competition
34 2021 3rd Place ASUS ZenBook Flip S (UX371) Blog Competition held by ASUS x Deddy Huang 2021
35 2021 1st Place Waste4Change Blog Competition in commemoration of National Waste Awareness Day 2021
36 2021 1st Place IdCloudHost Blog Competition 2021 with the theme “Successfully Go Digital with Cloud Computing Technology”
37 2021 Favorite Winner of ICAN Blog Competition 2021 period April 1 – May 30, 2021
38 2021 Favorite Winner 1 Kotakode – Forum Where Programmers Work period June 2021
39 2021 3rd Place Economic Democracy Festival Blog Competition 2021 by Gapatma
40 2021 4th Place SDG Academy Indonesia “Greener Future” Writing Competition 2021
41 2021 3rd Place goKampus Blog Competition December 2021
42 2022 Favorite Winner ASUS ExpertBook B5 Series Blog Competition 2022
43 2022 3rd Winner of Rumahweb Blog Competitions May 2022

Interesting to read

Blog Recent Articles

"Achievement is not just a goal, but also an offering"

Fadli Hafizulhaq

"If you can't stand the fatigue of learning, then you have to hold the pain of stupidity"

Imam Shafi’i

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